Thursday, July 26, 2012

Still here....

Seems like life goes 1000 mph.....
If you are breathing, I am sure you can agree? Unless you are a lucky little kid with no bills, no worries and nothing to worry about except sleeping til noon, munching on all food in sight, and not doing much and where your most important part of the day is to make sure you update your facebook status( daughter!) heehee. Joking aside, she does clean.(then prompts a question to go, do or buy something) Oh well, I was the same way,but actually worse. (my sister can vouch for this one) LOL.
I have been missing from this poor little neglected blog a whole lot lately. My Pinning frenzy as well as play time (aka: scrapbooking,baking and all things crafty) has come to an end for the past few months.Seems like I am having withdrawals and I feel it. Pathetic huh? Well I am one crafty chic that's my crack. (lol, no I don't do crack)  ;P  In that regard, I made a little something last night. 

My precious nephew, Orion, joined the Marines and has been gone just about his 3 months now. That boils down to "almost outta boot camp" mode. He was so well disciplined to drop some pounds before he left and  
I am so sure he will look gorgeous,totally gorgeous, when he graduates! Sorry but I am partial to his sweet heart, loving soul,long eyelashes and beautiful dimples. Hearing about him and his journey on this life adventure warms my heart. There's nothing like wanting the world for your own children and nephews. They are all my babies. ;P Anyhow, I whipped up this little piece of fun last night for my sister so she could have something marine like in her home. It's all the craze right now and I must say it came out just as precious as my nephew! Our family will soon have one of the few and the proud home...ahhhhhh can't wait! 

it's a phone photo, so no way compares to the print....incase you were thinking ...ewwwww!
feel free to email me for the pdf if you love,have or are a Marine

Thanks for stoppin' by, 


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