Saturday, November 05, 2011

Halloween 2011

Hello everyone! I can't believe it's November! What in the world....
Time sure does fly by.

 Halloween was short to me this year. Was it the time fixing to change? NO, not really. I do believe it was the fact that the kids had school and Young and I had to it was short and quick, but sweet.We had family and friends over so it was swell! I looooooooooooove Halloween!

It was fun trick or treating and watching these girls get candy while I was house around the block had a skinny (and i mean stick skinny) guy in a black body suit with a white face and I swear, he was walking smoothly so-to-speak and then just slithered up by me and it scared the bee jee bees out of me! I yelled and that was enough for this cookie!

Anyhow, we (well....I ) survived the creepiness and had a great time! Here are a few pics of the kids ..
minus our boy     [who was off at college ...  :(    ]

Our daughter Lorin(left) and her inseperable friend Jillian....

Our little neighbor Peyton( uh, can you see him?)

Our Ladybug Lorin

Our little neighbor Macey rockin' the bat girl costume!

Our baby Jordan Rae

Macey, Blake and their momma Jennifer

My honey(only ended up with the hat of his costume)

Happy Fall.......already!

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