Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Where does time go?...really. ;P

I am so surprised at how time flies. I don't take naps, I stay up late, get up early and time. The time just flashes by. I should go to sleep early, eat breakfast and take my time,but my mind goes 100 mph. I am constantly thinking of things I want to make, have made, where I want to go, trips I want to take, what my family wants to do, would like to do and will do.I think I make my husband and other people dizzy with all my ideas! I do not get tired and I love to plan. Plan,plan,plan...

Speaking of time....we just spent 2 days in Kerrville,Texas and Fredricksburg,Tx. hiking Enchanted Rock (which is a Texas must) and all the wonderful shops like an old time village. Here are some of the shots I managed to get. So pretty. So tranquil.


This is the view going in....see the peeps at the top? ....well, that's not the real top.....  ;P
     Below ) another beautiful view.....
  Kids had a fun time trying to find the smallest leaf.....
 Here I am with Young....taking a break!
 The only water besides our water bottles....

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