I am finally back in action, breathing, working,in full creative mode! Only took forever....first I was busy, then busier,then school started back up, then....the laptop crashed! So I am so happy to say that I got my new laptop and everything is hunky-dory here in my little world again. ( so loving the DH for getting me the one I wanted) XOXO... Anyhow, I am back up to post and hope to do it more regularly from this point on.
"KETCHUP" time-
Here are pics of what's been going on as of late and maybe a little during all this laptop drama!
Went to the RiverBend Retreat with crazy chics....
Here are the crazy chics.....
Then there was trip to Grandpa Sid's in Galveston...
hmmm....then some others ...but don't have pics cause....the laptop crashed and BAM! Like Emeril, it was gone!...so sad....very sad. SO IF YOU ARE READING THIS...BACK UP YO' PICS! I am soooo very glad Cecile has learned form me...GO CECILE! lol
so then...recently just the other day....went to SCRAPPINK crop at the Scrapbook Junkie & this precious little bag of goodies awaited my arrival....so nice and welcoming I thought.
My good friend ,Amber, went with me and it was a blast! EXCEPT the ride home this time....we were sooo sleepy before we even got to Rosenberg,that it was a tough ride home...Next time, I am staying with JoAnn, Terri or Cecile.....( note to self: remember this next time) I mainly worked with JoAnn's projects,but managed to come home with a cute little Halloween bucket she made and gave to me since she was being an Indian-giver...(LOL) here's the precious bucket she made in like 10 minutes!
(isn't it so precious?)
Cecile and I were inspired by an attendee there at the crop...so we made this handy dandy little inspiration album to record all those little doodle drawings, magazine layouts, handwritten layouts and anything cre8ive so we can refer back to...here is mine...
The upper left rub on reads " I exist to CRE8" that about sums it up for me. ...of course family is right next to it, but yep! I do believe I exist for that very reason. The lower left corner stamp reads "play" cause that's what I call it...
And then there is the new newest love of my little world now,Gyp.
this little gizmo is gonna work some overtime here soon! it isn't tonight like i planned,but possibly Sunday cause the house is clean enough and we're on the road to Galveston at 7! woo hoo! gotta love the weekends and a nice drive! Goodnight, it's great to be back in action!