Sunday, October 25, 2009

6 days til Halloween!!

ARe you ready? got your candy? costume? .....I don't but I'm working on it...our 16 yr. old doesn't dress up for halloween...bummer! The girls on the other hand are all ready to get moving on it. Gotta make one a 50's or punk rocker chick and the other is to be a scarecrow.My dh forgot to get the hay from the in-laws.(geesh) Other than that, we're getting things in order-food, candy, candy apples and all that fun stuff! It's always a blast with all our friends who show up and we loVE to see the costumes that come around.

Aside from the Halloween party, we are really enjoying this fall ish weather. It's just been perfect around here. It did manage to rain a little,but rain doesn't hurt with the blistering summer we had here. The grass died and is gone!

I am still super excited about making the DT!!!yay! yay! yay! Soooooooooooo super excited or couldn't you tell? ha! here are a few challenges I've done. This is nice. With the challenges, I am getting pages done and it feels awesome! here's some eye candy......

O.k, well hope these inspire you do some scrappin'! Have a lovely night and I hear the rain comin' down,so I probably won't sleep like I want to.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


I am sooo delighted,ecstatic,super fabulous!
I am sooo happy to announce that I was chosen to be a Designer for The Scrapbook get away! It's my first as a Designer,so I am so happy to see how it goes and all it entails. So, watch out and check the store for cool kits just might get hooked! There are soooo many nice and friendly ladies on the site that it's very pleasant and I know if you're a scrapbooker,you'll enjoy it truly! I encourage you all to go and join the forum so you can do the challenges...they totally ROCK! I have done most of them and plan to finish up by month end.
The weather today has been beautiful! Not too cold or hot and just great. We went ahead and cleaned up the storage shed and the garage , which is great cause that's where I create.....If it has to be messy.......I wanna make the mess.HA! Here is my page for my 10/20 Challenge to write minimum 100 words about someone in family,but not our own kids. I did mine on my honey and just how lucky I am to have him.
Sleep tight!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Back Home and busy....

Went to a great retreat weekend in East Bernard...loved it totally! Same group of friends cutting up and getting crafty! It was a total blast.
Here I am with my little Mikearita(which isn't too bad)I was sooo craftin' it up. We managed to make in the pool for a good 20 minutes before dinner,which was also great. This is my 3rd retreat and by far the best. I'm hoping to make it to another,but not until next March. Holidays creepin' up and in no time we'll be chiming in a New Year! Gosh b darn, time flies when you aren't lookin'.

As of late, I have applied to make it on a Design Team at The Scrapbook Get-Away and hope to be chosen....we'll just have to wait and see. I love creating so I figured why not try and just think.....I could share my creative thoughts! woo hoo! o.k , let ya know when they decide...Kids and Hubby are great- getting ready for our Halloween Costume Party....Young and I will match this year.(So it's like a date? hee hee) Our neighborhood gets jam packed with goblins,so we just do burgers,hot dogs and snacks in the front and let the kids have at it with passerbys and friends...This makes for a fun and safe time! Gettin' off early tomorrow and hoping to clean up my craft garage so I can atleast make are pics from my retreat...ahhhh so relaxing. ( the group and then my crazy friend Terri)

Monday, October 12, 2009

It's Monday...

I finally slept well....Of course I didn't get to bed until 1:30 a.m. But thtat's o.k, I loved the sleep I was able to get. I a busy, busy week ahead.I work at Hobby Lobby part time (  2 days wk),Meeting after work this wk, had to make cupcakes for work and then finally......Thursday I pack for my Scrapbook retreat this weekend. Time for some serious scrapbooking and cutting up.
I am hoping to get lots done.We'll see. Halloween will be here in just 2 weeks.I think I am freakin' out cause the month has flown by soo fast. It's just nuts. I've done a few pages for a great new site I's on of them..

That's all for now cause I have got to get some sleep.Have a Blessed night and I'll post soon. Nite-

Friday, October 09, 2009

Time Flies....

Ya ever think how fast time flies? I had so many plans on what I wanted to do this week and BAM it's Friday. (oh well) I think you notice it when you get older?? I have been inspired all week and haven't had a chance to make anything. I am however, posting a pic of my page I created from my last retreat I went on which was a total blast. It wasn't too roomy,but the fun was worth it! We cut up and cracked here it is. .....I guess this is all for now since it's sooo late already. I need to create something before I retire for the night! Goodnight.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Happy Sunday!

Had a great weekend! Friday cleaned up house and got it ready to be gone...Saturday we got up early and headed to Galveston to see kids grandpa was such a great visit. We ate a delicious dinner with tons of sides and snacks, which made for a full belly. It was so great to spend time together since we don't live too too close. The drive was nice as it usually is and the kids recognize at what point we are very close to grandpa's house every single time. I think they know we're right there and they wake up like clock work. I've learned not to mention ahead of time when we are going cause then it could be weeks or months and that's all we'll hear about UNTIL  we get in the car to go and that my friend,is a long time to hear our parrot daughters!
The trip back home was nice and somewhat calm....We saw the neatest way on the way home....As we came back on Hwy 6, Missouri City,Tx, we saw (about 2 miles straight) people lined up holding signs that were againsta was the neatest thing. I was overwhelmed with how when people come together they can make such a big impact! It was different people , different backgrounds,different religions,different in sooo many ways,but they all shared one strong thought! Anyhow, once we got past that it was" Build-a-bear" pleaaaaseeeeeee. (you know what happened next..) :) Anyhow, i am thankful for family,friends,love and life in general! Hope you have a happy week -Here are pics for today!

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Fall is in the air.........

O.k, so technically I started my 10/02 post before midnight, but it's now 12:13 which makes it the 3rd now....times flies so darn fast.  I love to babble too... Anyhooooo, the weather is feeling great lately and I am ready for some pumpkins and some trick or treaters.....Have you found your costume? I will be a deckhand wench and Young will be a sort of buccaneer guy,but not a pirate...not to mention I won't look as sexy as she does, nor will I wear those hideous boots....LOL

Lorin took a pic of our lit up it is. she shows such an interest in taking photographs....i just love it! (no, the black spots on the ground aren't mold...heehee)

Sooooooooo Back in Action!

I am finally back in action, breathing, working,in full creative mode! Only took forever....first I was busy, then busier,then school started back up, then....the laptop crashed! So I am so happy to say that I got my new laptop and everything is hunky-dory here in my little world again. ( so loving the DH for getting me the one I wanted) XOXO... Anyhow, I am back up to post and hope to do it more regularly from this point on.
"KETCHUP" time-
Here are pics of what's been going on as of late and maybe a little during all this laptop drama!

Went to the RiverBend Retreat with crazy chics....

Here are the crazy chics.....

Then there was trip to Grandpa Sid's in Galveston...

hmmm....then some others ...but don't have pics cause....the laptop crashed and BAM! Like Emeril, it was gone! sad....very sad. SO IF YOU ARE READING THIS...BACK UP YO' PICS! I am soooo very glad Cecile has learned form me...GO CECILE! lol
so then...recently just the other day....went to SCRAPPINK crop at the Scrapbook Junkie & this precious little bag of goodies awaited my nice and welcoming I thought.

My good friend ,Amber, went with me and it was a blast! EXCEPT the ride home this time....we were sooo sleepy before we even got to Rosenberg,that it was a tough ride home...Next time, I am staying with JoAnn, Terri or Cecile.....( note to self: remember this next time) I mainly worked with JoAnn's projects,but managed to come home with a cute little Halloween bucket she made and gave to me since she was being an Indian-giver...(LOL) here's the precious bucket she made in like 10 minutes!
(isn't it so precious?)
Cecile and I were inspired by an attendee there at the we made this handy dandy little inspiration album to record all those little doodle drawings, magazine layouts, handwritten layouts and anything cre8ive so we can refer back is mine...

The upper left rub on reads " I exist to CRE8" that about sums it up for me. ...of course family is right next to it, but yep! I do believe I exist for that very reason. The lower left corner stamp reads "play" cause that's what I call it... 
And then there is the new newest  love of my little world now,Gyp.
this little gizmo is gonna work some overtime here soon! it isn't tonight like i planned,but possibly Sunday cause the house is clean enough and we're on the road to Galveston at 7! woo hoo! gotta love the weekends and a  nice drive! Goodnight, it's great to be back in action!
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