Sunday, October 25, 2009

6 days til Halloween!!

ARe you ready? got your candy? costume? .....I don't but I'm working on it...our 16 yr. old doesn't dress up for halloween...bummer! The girls on the other hand are all ready to get moving on it. Gotta make one a 50's or punk rocker chick and the other is to be a scarecrow.My dh forgot to get the hay from the in-laws.(geesh) Other than that, we're getting things in order-food, candy, candy apples and all that fun stuff! It's always a blast with all our friends who show up and we loVE to see the costumes that come around.

Aside from the Halloween party, we are really enjoying this fall ish weather. It's just been perfect around here. It did manage to rain a little,but rain doesn't hurt with the blistering summer we had here. The grass died and is gone!

I am still super excited about making the DT!!!yay! yay! yay! Soooooooooooo super excited or couldn't you tell? ha! here are a few challenges I've done. This is nice. With the challenges, I am getting pages done and it feels awesome! here's some eye candy......

O.k, well hope these inspire you do some scrappin'! Have a lovely night and I hear the rain comin' down,so I probably won't sleep like I want to.

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