I couldn't wait to get home to post this. I needed to have clear and calm head as well..
..It is amazing to me how God presents us with amazing little things that just mean the world.( to me , anyhow)
Let me start from the beginning.
I work at Hobby Lobby about 1 ,sometimes 2 days a wk or month.depending. Anyhow, I go in today and work is going. Catching up on the latest, checking the store out ,all is good. It's close to closing and we're hustling to get everything done...Then this man /guy (can't tell how old he is,but since I was younger I've always seen him around town)asked me for help...That's not all not just a man.....
See, the thing is this man walks crooked so-to-speak,his poor hands are dry and crooked, he can barely speak right because it seems his poor body is just paralyzed or something....I have never known what exactly is wrong with him,but he surely has a radiant smile which,it too is a little crooked,big brown eyes and long curled eye lashes. He slowly made way of asking for string..... He then proceeded to tell me that he needed some wire. After trying to understand him at a slower pace and knowing what he wanted, we walked together to get his little string. He knew what he wanted though,so it took a bit to find the exact wire. As I asked him specifics so I could really help him, he began to tell me what all more he needed. I noticed he had little plastic sheets ,about 6 to be exact cause I was looking and listening....they are usually in the knitting aisle. (just fyi) Just as he's moving along with his cart to tell me what else he needs,Katy(co-worker) walks up. She offers help as I've been with him for some few minutes and she notices he is handicapped as well and maybe she is stumped by his speech? I don't know..Katy stays and he's midway through describing this little plastic windchime to be made. So we listen a little more intensely cause he seems so excited about it....I would say when I saw him initially I began to focus on him and pray for him.(this was instilled by my parents who always said pray and help those who need it) His little teeth were not in the best, nor were his clothes,but he was clean nontheless. He stops in the aisle and slowly begins to tell us both that he knows this girl who is ill and he talks to her..He said " her mom doesn't work because of course she cares for her daughter...they don't have much money,so I buy them groceries sometimes" By now I am in awe...we both are. He then says" her mom makes these little windchimes out of these plastic sheets and hangers so I told her to make me 20"..." they are just so cute"....
Katy and I smiled and giggled striking a conversation about these little gizmos. In my mind, I knew exactly what he was talking about cause I have seen them. So the string he says " is expensive" and he decides it's cheaper at walmart. He had those 6 sheets and said he'd wait cause they were cheaper at walmart if he just got the white ones and not the colored ones. Oh by now my eyes were welped,my heart was happy and sad,my stomach was in knots. Katy was sniffling to keep from crying. I was not looking at her to keep from just gushing. We walked him back to the plastic sheets he decided to wait on cause they were 49 each! the string was $2.47 and 1/2 off( yes that cheap and 1/2 off) I knew this was killing me. I thought I throw that money on Dr.Pepper all the time and never think twice....I got Katy to continue to talk to him while I got some things. I flew back with it and rolls of string, got him 2 or 3 of each color,wire rolls and told him i'd carry it up front. he went up with katy while i flew to the front. I bought it all and when he went up to pay handing cash up I gave him his receipt. yeah, he was shocked and got the same teary eyes Katy and I had.He was ecstatic to have simple wire for his friend and a rainbow of plastic sheets with many to spare....
My point in telling the whole story is that I realized how lucky I am, how thankful I am and how this little guy I helped made a big impact on my so called busy life. He only needed a little bit of money,yet his friend would not have to bend WIRE HANGERS to make her little crafts. He proceeded to get one from his truck to show me....yep,it was what i knew i saw before. As he showed me,he asked me what he should charge.He said he didn't wan't to make money for him,but to give to his friend so she could have some money and with tears in his eyes he said "Thank you."..... "God Bless you!" with that big smile.
I didn't say you're welcome cause to me he didn't need to Thank me.He deserved that and so much more...I said " not a problem- you tell your friend her hands won't hurt making these next 20 and Thank you for the blessing." He smiled and went back to his truck. He had tears of joy for his little friend and the little supplies which meant the world to him,but I don't know if he realized what he meant to me....
I felt so foolish for all that I want and have. This poor guy with far less than most was such a blessing to someone else when he had so little himself.Oh he just made my day and I had to share how we take for granted ,little things. Those little things that just make people happy.
My mom says that when I help others I am getting stairs to heaven....I know he has more than steps with his oh-so generous heart. In a world where people can be so cruel,malicious and selfish, I am so THANKFUL to have run into this man.He is a reminder that there are still good people.People that help others when they have little themselves. I hoped and prayed that God would look over him and continue to bless him.
I am thankful for this little encounter although I have been crying since he left and as I sit here to type my experience of God working.
That being said....I hope that you have a blessed night and remember that you too,have so much to be thankful for.
here is the little gizmo he wanted to sell for her.
awww. what a sweet story. :) made me all teary.
That is a great story and I always love to hear how much better you feel at the end of the day!!
Thanks for sharing your story and your blog! loved it!
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