Thursday, January 20, 2011

We have a WINNER!

Today turned out to be cold in the afternoon. I don't like cold weather. When it's cold, I like to stay in my pj's(that don't ever seem to match) , not comb my hair or do anything. It's in the low 30's right now and in South Texas.....that's freezing! (LOL)

However, all that doesn't matter cause at 6 this a.m I started receiving numerous messages on flickr for my winning on Hero Arts monthly card contest! YES, you heard me..Out of all the entries ( and there were a gazillion) I was one of 5! yippee! Can you say " made my day!". I was so excited I just stuck my iphone in Young's face and asked if he was up. All cross eyed he peeked and said congrats. I suppose I should have let him wake up, but I was so excited and who else was I gonna tell so early in the a.m? So, after the blinding session I gave him in the a.m, he did manage to e-mail me a "congratulations, but if you ever put that phone in my face at the crack of dawn.....I'm gonna push you off the bed." Ha! gotta love him. I suppose thinking of it now, that was kinda mean of me huh? lololololololol.....

I am now off to pick out my stamps and then shower n sleep! I am so excited. Thank you to alllllllllllllllll of you sweet stampers on Hero Arts that left me messages. You are a wonderful group and the messages made my day! Isn't it sweet how simple little notes from strangers who share your hobbies just make my day? I'm sure I'm not the only one.

Well, If you didn't see my entry......HERE it is as a winner! I love you Hero Arts!

Happy playin' and stay warm~

1 comment:

Tash Daly said...

Congratulations!!! Well done, it is a really cute card and deserved to win. Yay you. :-)

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